About the Business
Starting and running a business requires many skills. Today's business owner is required to have a wide knowledge not only of the product or service they are supplying, but also of all relevant legislation the government has created to collect tax and protect other institutions your company does business with.
Milton Accountancy can add to your product and business knowledge with advice and assistance in dealing with the very latest rules and regulations that affect you. Armed with this knowledge, you can concentrate on operating your business and spend more time on building up your customer base and sale, without the need to bog yourself down on all the paperwork.
We are a small firm and as such you can talk with us directly and we will always give you a fast response. Our knowledge of I.T. means that much of the work can be carried out off site so that we do not we do not always have to attend your premises and tie up your equipment or office space.
Location & Hours
Milton Street