About the Business
Henry Reeves & Co was originally founded at the turn of the last century. Over the last hundred years there have been many changes in the economy and accountancy methods (not all by the current staff though!) Through all of this, the long standing professional ethos of forward planning and the high expectations of all at Henry Reeves & Co over the years, has meant we are still going strong. For over 60 years our offices were in Gabriel's Hill, where some 360 years earlier, during the historic battle of Maidstone over 80 Parliamentary soldiers were killed. During this battle, 1400 Royalists were taken prisoner and 300 were slain. We cannot audit these figures, but have been assured by local historians this is true. With the need of more office space and a more peaceful environment, we moved to our current offices in Albion Place.
An additional office was opened in Chatham in 2012 to serve businesses in the Medway area.
Location & Hours

11-13 Albion Place